Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday November 2 2009

No dervish elites worth speaking of, and not enough spear attacks or scythe attacks. Change of pace from the past week.

Palm strike is obvious, and probably poison arrow too.

For necromancer, can use offering of blood as energy management and slap in reckless, enfeebling and spinal shivers (!).

Still, I wouldn't try and make a complicated build today. If anything, three physicals should net you a lot of wins even more with no dervishes or paragons around.

For monks, no armor of sanctity. But still shield of force and vital boon, along with aura of thorns. Monk dervish day again.

Codex Arena Prediction
Today's Meta: Cleave, Palm Strike, Poison Arrow, Empathic Removal

Good secondaries
Mesmer: Hex Breaker
Monk: Smite Hex
Dervish: Rending Touch


Shukuchi X said...

Today's must was warrior,assasin and monk.i made wins taking for 4th Rt and mesmer!(PB).

Codex Guru said...

Yea mesmer is always great with PB. Thing is you have to have a great one or one who won't fall asleep after a bunch of wins or he's completely useless. Distortion mesmer was basically unbeatable, if you could find one.

It still isn't an ideal mesmer day without diversion or you lose too much damage vs double healer teams or teams with a ton of self heal. I wouldn't take mesmer with pugs unless diversion was in.